GEST Educational events where physicians come to learn from other physicians
Events Calendar
April 9, 2025
April 9, 2025 | 8-9 pm EST
April 9, 2025
April 9, 2025 | 8-9 pm EST
Journal Club: AASLD Guidance
Dr. Sanjeeva Kalva will be discussing “AASLD Practice Guidance on the use of TIPS, variceal embolization, and retrograde transvenous obliteration in the management of variceal hemorrhage” in Hepatology, Jan 2024.
Optimizing Speed and Efficiency with Obsidio Conformable Embolic. Join GEST and expert faculty to discuss how physicians should select and approach cases with Obsidio™
Join us in New York for 4 days, 1000+ peers from 44 countries and learn from 145 renowned experts on everything related to Interventional radiology/oncology practice.
A virtual education summit reviewing the evolving market of coils; how to select, use, and optimize embolization procedures for ideal patient outcomes.
This summit provides a comprehensive exploration of liquid and conformable embolic agents in interventional radiology. The first session focuses on material science, technical considerations, and clinical rationale for different embolic agents, including DMSO-based agents, conformable embolics, and hydrogels. The second session delves into specific clinical applications across various pathologies, from hemorrhage management to tumor embolization, concluding with practical implementation guidance.
Dr. Yuji Okuno will be discussing “Clinical results of ultrasound-guided intra-arterial embolization targeting abnormal neovessels for plantar fasciitis: 66 cases with up to 4 years of follow-up” in Foot and Ankle Surgery, July 2024.
This summit focuses on liver cancer ablation techniques, focusing on innovative approaches for treating hepatocellular carcinoma and metastatic colorectal cancer.
Redefining Efficiency and Control in Peripheral Embolization
This webinar will bring together renowned experts in the field of interventional radiology as they explore the latest advancements, data, and best practices for using liquid embolics, with a special focus on the LAVA Liquid Embolic System from Sirtex.
During this mini-summit, we’ll explore the transformative potential of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of embolization and Interventional Radiology. Our expert speakers will guide you through the fundamentals of AI and its groundbreaking applications in medical procedures.
The Partem trial is the first trial comparing Medical therapy to PAE. It reflects the collaborative efforts of 10 centers where urologists and Interventional Radiologist are working together.
Challenged by work-life balance? Worried about radiation exposure? Struggling to find a mentor? Lead a department with female IRs and want to mentor them more effectively? Join our panel of physicians for a conversation about these topics and more in our upcoming webinar on Women in IR.
Navigating Early Cases with the Obsidio™ Conformable Embolic
Webinar: Join GEST and expert faculty to discuss the science of the OBSIDIO™ product line and how physicians should select and approach cases with the new technology.