Virtual Hepatocellular Carcinoma Summit
On-demand (originally recorded Oct 7, 2023)
Hepatocellular Carcinoma Summit
Join leading hepatocellular carcinoma experts to discuss the latest topics relevant to the interventional oncologist.
learning objectives
Upon completion of the Virtual Summit, participants will be able to:
- Understand how interventional oncology integrates with the comprehensive management of patients with HCC.
- Describe advancements in perioperative and intraprocedural imaging technologies utilized in local therapy for HCC.
- Learn how to optimize locoregional therapy outcomes by navigating an increasingly complicated HCC treatment landscape.
- What the interventional oncologist should know about cirrhosis and HCC:
- What the interventional oncologist should know about liver transplant for HCC
- Characterizing HCC phenotypes through imaging
- Advancements in HCC local therapy treatment planning and procedural imaging
- Radioembolization dosimetry in patients with cirrhosis: How can we optimize both safety and efficacy
- Anticipating and managing HCC local therapy complications: Lessons Learned
Panel Discussion
- When should a patient with HCC receive local therapy instead of resection?
- One nail and many hammers: How do I choose a treatment for solitary HCC?
- Glass Ceiling: What is the role for multiple radioembolization devices for the treatment of HCC?
- Will TACE survive the age of radioembolization and immunotherapy?
- When do I utilize adjunctive therapies for the locoregional treatment of HCC?
- The HCC landscape has become busy: Keeping the patient in mind
Dr. Jafar Golzarian
University of Minnesota
Pr. Marc Sapoval
Université de paris/ Hôpital Européen Georges Pompidou
Dr. Beau Toskich
Mayo Clinic
Dr. Julie Heimbach
Mayo Clinic
Dr. JD LeGout
Mayo Clinic
Dr. Nora Tabori
Medstar Washington Hospital Center
Dr. Robert Lewandowski
Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern
Dr. Daniel Brown
Vanderbuilt University Medical Center
Dr. Sarah White
Medical College of Wisconsin
Dr. Ed Kim
Mount Sinai
Dr. Siddharth Padia
Dr. Denise Harnois
Mayo Clinic
Dr. Umair Majeed
Mayo Clinic
GEST Education
The GEST Group has developed premiere events including the annual GEST conference, focused topic meetings and summits where physicians come to learn from other physicians in the field of embolization.